Digital TODO Lists are Failing Me
I’ve used OmniFocus for a while now as a way to manage my daily tasks, but really I almost never actually check it. In fact almost all digital lists are things I don’t check. The real question is why don’t I check these TODOd lists daily? Often it comes down to the fack that I’m…
Forget your Haters
One of the great podcasts I have started listening to is EntreLeadership. If you want to get great advice from proven leaders here is a spot to do it. The most recent episode (as of April 22, 2013) is with Jon Acuff about his book start. One of the best things they talk about is…
Trivial Sharing Masked at Deep Relationship
I love Bob’s response to this article. I’d say that people can argue that the opposite is true. We’re less connected with the people around us and we share things which are more trivial and matter very little. The ease by which we can share has enabled that. Further I’d say that it holds true…
Status Board for Solo Devs
Panic came out with something that looks really cool in Status Board, at least for teams. I work 99% of the time by myself and that makes Status Board cool, but not useful. I have no desire to see my incoming emails (I keep all badges and notifications off already). Twitter should be time boxed…
Allowing Users to skip ‘Metro’ is a Bad Idea
So it seems that Windows 8.1 will enable users to skip ‘Metro’ on startup. While I can believe that the current Metro experience (with no way to skip it on boot) would hurt Windows sales, I’m not sure that allowing users to skip it is really a good thing. How many users will just skip…
I Miss The Magazine
When Marco launched The Magazine, I was all in. A magazine about nerdy topics but not programming or tech specifically was something I was missing. But that’s not what The Magazine is anymore, at least not for me. It seems to me that by opening up the writing to a broader range of subjects we…
My Unfair Financial Playground
We’ve been teaching the Total Money Makeover (affiliate) at our church lately since it’s changed our lives and how we look at spending. An interesting thing I’ve found though is how I treat my business finances. My Playground Currently I basically pay myself on salary. Every month I transfer a set amount to our family…
Monthly Project Scheduling
Well OmniFocus has fallen by the wayside, at least mostly. It seems that I don’t so much need a daily list of the things I should be doing, I need a monthly project calendar. Projects Overlap Despite my best intentions lately, I’ve got way to many projects overlapping. One was delayed because of server issues…
Data I do Care About
I was thinking again about owning your data and really it comes down to the fact that I see no real value in the data that I’m putting in to Twitter/Facebook. Yes the relationships matter, but not the data. Data I Care About I am an avid cyclist, so avid that I record my sleep…
February 2013 Income Report
I’m way behind on my income reports, but here is the one for February. Overall February was awesome. Income was up from January and I’m well on track to hitting my goals for the year. The huge increase in income has allowed my wife to leave her job (which she just didn’t enjoy anymore) and…