• Make it Easy to Find

    Make it Easy to Find


    One of the most frustrating things with starting to use a new application is figuring out all the keyboard shortcuts that are available. Right now I’m giving Nambu a shot as a Twitter client. I’ll admit I’m a bit of a power user of any app. I love me some keyboard shortcuts, but good luck…

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  • Being Flexible with Your Training Schedule


    Thursday October 14 I had the great privilege of welcoming my first child (Eden Isabelle) into our family. As anyone with kids knows having a baby join your family brings lots of changes. It’s unlikely I’ll get a full uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep (heck even 3 hours) for the next several months unless I’m…

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  • Hill and Headwinds – This Separates the Weak and the Strong


    I remember heading out on my first group ride after getting a road bike. I was totally worried about getting dropped the group or about them talking behind my back when I left and saying how slow I am. The reality is that I held my own through most of the ride. The only thing…

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  • Make Blogging Easy with MarsEdit


    Let’s face it many of us plan to blog way more than we do, at the very least it applies to me and this blog (well me and all the blogs I have). The original plan was to have something out each Tuesday but life, stuff, StarCraft II, seem to get the way. Since I…

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  • Training for What????


    If you’re checking out this site you can see that I’m riding a fair bit and I’m not just riding, but scheduling different workouts. Certain weeks are intervals, other times I’m working on hills. Basically I’m following the periodization method of training. Honestly I have no idea what (if anything) I’m really training for. I…

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  • I love Vim and Textmate

    I love Vim and Textmate


    If you follow me you’ll notice that I’ve been playing with Vim lately. For almost a year now I’ve been a TextMate fan but something about Vim just called to me. Maybe it was the feeling that knowing Vim increased my geek cred just like terminal hackery does. Why Vim Really anyone doing any type…

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  • Cycling Question of the Week – October 3 – 9


    This week the question I was most intrigued by was about the pros and cons of building your own bike from scratch or buying your bike prebuilt. Below are a few of the pros and cons for building. See the full answer. Pros Get the exact components you want Choose where to compromise based on…

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  • WordPress Stackexchange Question of the Week – October 3 – 9

    WordPress Stackexchange Question of the Week – October 3 – 9


    Over on my blog I started highlighting a question a week from the stackexchange group. Now I figure why not do it for the WordPress Stackexchange group? This weeks question deals with creating a separator in the WordPress admin menu. Basically you have to write your own function to add the separator since WordPress doesn’t…

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  • Great TextMate Tricks to Increase Productivity


    Yeah I use Textmate everyday and it’s got lots of features. In fact it’s got so many that I discover new ones on a regular basis. Here are some of my favourites. Vertical Editing Ever wanted to edit a vertical line of code? Well TexMate lets you do that. Hold alt and drag your vertical…

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  • Timing Your Intervals


    Most of my riding is done early in the morning in the dark which means I can’t read my watch or see my cycling computer so watching my intervals is a bit of a challenge. I do also listen to music (yeah I know some people hate it) while riding though so my iPod is…

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