Trying to Watch Cycling in Canada
While trolling [Steephill][steep] this morning (May 16, 2012) in an attempt to watch the [Giro d’Italia][giro] I started thinking about the state of watching cycling in Canada. Cycling is not a big popular sport in Canada, like say hockey. It’s often hard to find a place to watch cycling. I even tried to give my…
Riding to WordCamp Seattle
Hatched by an offhanded tweet, I ended up using my bicycle to travel from Abbotsford BC to Seattle Washington. The need for the travel was attending [WordCamp Seattle][wcsea]. ### Route The route is fairly straight forward. Head down Highway 9 and hang a right at Seattle. Then work your way to your actual destination. You…
The Expectation of Free
I’ve been finding lately that just because I write tutorials on WordPress the readers expect me to provide a bunch of free support when it doesn’t quite work for them. If someone provides you with something for free, don’t be surprised if it doesn’t solve all of your specific needs. If you need something that…
Yet Another Intriguing Programming Solution
I’d love to only take my iPad on my back when visiting clients, unfortunately I often end up needing to do some coding at the same time. I’ve read about a few programmers using some remote desktop solution with their iPad to program, but that’s not really using an iPad as your development solution. Koding…
I’m Scared About the Holes
If you don’t know this already, I have a Psychology Degree and I’m build websites for a living. I have no formal training in programming or building websites. I often get nervous about the holes (large ones I have no doubt) in my knowledge due to the fact that I’m self taught. According to some…
Twitter – Disrespecting It’s Users
Monday of this week I got an email from Twitter with a digest of stuff. Once I realized what it was I deleted it. First, I never signed up for this email. Second, Twitter never told me this was starting and gave me the chance to opt out. This totally smacks of the crap Facebook…
Coding Alone is Tough
I know a bunch of people that read this are working alone, which means your learning alone. I spend all day coding by myself just like this. I’ve been in the same spot, waiting for answers on Stackoverflow to questions and searching my brains out. I even took a job with a WordPress company in…
Amgen Tour of California Stage 2 – A little all over?
Using the awesome [Tour of California][atoc] iPad app, I caught the closing hours of stage 2. Probably the most striking thing was: 1. How effortlessly [Peter Sagan][ps] took the stage. 2. How all over the pack he was. A brief run down for those that didn’t watch. Peter Sagan got caught up in a crash…
How Gnarly are the Cobbles at Roubaix?
If you want some idea of how hard the cobbles are in the Paris Roubaix you need to watch this video. Even if you’re not in to cycling, you can appreciate the camera work. I watched it last year and for the life of me could not find it again this year. Props to [@mchaste][mc]…
Anyone Can Be Good, Only Some Can Be Great
Awesome post by Edward Cassie on sweating the little details. I was just thinking about that at my local bike shop when I looked at the cable housing they replaced. Sure it all works fine, but instead of a black cable end (which matches the rest of the bike) they used the standard silver. Sure…