When to Go Freelance, and Leave Your Job
Since I went left full time employment 3 years ago and started my own web consulting business (see not freelance) I’ve been asked many times how I determine the right time to leave the job and strike out on my own. For me I saved 3 months worth of money and then when I had…
Founders Can Easily Get in the Way of Good Business
A local business I know [suffers][proc] from this greatly. but it’s often the case that owner-executives won’t do that because they believe they need to be involved in “essential” business processes. Never mind that they could always follow-up to customer care requests after they’ve been solved rather than being a bottleneck to the solution. It’s…
Focussing on Experience When Hiring is the Wrong Place to Start
I think employers get way to hung up on a [specific set of skills][exp]. Yes when looking for a programmer make sure that the person can actually program. Outside of that you should be looking at attitude not that they have skill X. Given a bit of time and training any decent programmer can learn…
Launching a Product
Something I need to start looking at is [getting interest drummed][launch] up for a product I’m working on. > As anyone who’s ever launched a start-up knows: It’s really, really hard to get new users. I’ll be doing number 3 and already have a bunch of people that I’d like to invite to try the…
Mobile Devices Should be Convenient for You
I had a conversation recently with @JRosengard about having your mobile devices notify you of incoming messages. My short version is that I don’t do it. My phone and iPad are there to make my job easier, not so that everyone and their mother can get in touch with me all the time. Harvard Business…
Recapping the Paris Roubaix 2012
So far this year the Roubaix is my favorite race. I have a soft spot for the classic races anyway and this is the Queen of the Classcis. Outside of the typical crashes there wasn’t really much to say about the race till the 50km mark when Tom Boonen decided it was time to ride…
Missing the Vibe in the Rails Community
For a while I was involved pretty heavily with the Ruby on Rails community. I did design consulting on a number of application interfaces and some frontend programming. Alas, those days have passed and I’m 100% WordPress and PHP focussed. Now I like WordPress and PHP just fine but one thing I really miss from…
The Most Important Thing to do Each Day
RELAX, if you don’t take the down time that your body needs then you’re just going to pay for it later. I’m a form believer in taking the time each week to relax or do what you want. For me Friday morning I work on personal projects (usually recording a screencast on WordPress) then take…
Living Life Outside of What is Considered Normal
While I typically think profanity shows a lack of vocabulary this is a nice article about forgetting what society thinks you should be doing and just doing what works for you. What if you dropped out of school and walked across the country? What if you decided grades were sort of silly, and instead read…