Don’t Hire the Lucky People
I must admit that I’m the unkept person that has some spelling mistakes in [this story][story] about finding the right staff to hire. > “Wait,” said Oscar, “but surely all things being equal, the person who takes the time to get the email right is better than the person who doesn’t?” As the character Ernestine…
Twitter as a Free Service
A recent comment on my post about staying away from services with no business models noted the irony that they found the link to the post via my Twitter account. Twitter if course is by an large a free service, but it’s not really a service that has no business model. Currently Twitter has the…
Looking at the Rules
While [the rules of cycling][rules] are meant to be a laugh for there is at least one that we should probably all follow, [rule #5][rule5] which reads. > Harden the Fuck Up! I know that I am totally guilty of complaining about things when I should just Harden Up. Twitter is particularly bad for that…
It Seems that Targeted Traffic Comes not from large Tech Sites
I never really planned on hitting up the big tech sites but it’s nice to have some confirmation. My original start-up, eNovella, and its latest incarnation, Jottify, have each been featured on TechCrunch…The day that eNovella was featured, we got 26 referrals from TechCrunch. The day that Jottify was featured – with a video and…
Mavic Aksium 5000km Review
Update May 15, 2012: About 2 weeks ago I blew through 2 more rear spokes on the non-drive side at the head (not the nipple near the rim). Mavic offered to take it back and rebuild it, then decided to simply ship out a new one. I was going to leave the update on this…
Stay Away from Services with No Business Model
I won’t be using your service if you have no business model. I’m glad the product is free but I have no way of gauging your end game so I’m simply not interested no matter how cool it is. Freedcamp inspired this post today. The service looks decent but I have no idea what their…
Perspective on Your Role
Most of us want to be the star, or at least recognized but is that really your place? I’m a support rider and I like doing it. Working in a good team for a good leader can be more rewarding than winning a race for yourself. That’s Steve Cummings speaking to Procycling Magazine in the…
Maximize Team Productivity
Really interesting article about making a team more productive. I would have totally thought the first assumption would produce a more productive team since each member can work on what they enjoy the most. Turns out I was wrong (which of course is the first time and don’t tell the wife). But our research has…
Thomas Voeckler and Brabantse Pijl 2012
Just caught this last night on [][cyc]. Pretty standard race till Thomas Voeckler took off at 32km. By the end of the race he had almost a minute on the group, that is a commanding lead. With 26km left he had 22 seconds on the group, and pulled it to a minute by 16km. Voeckler…
Intel Misses the Point Comparing MacBook Air’s and Ultrabooks
I don’t plan on making tech a regular topic but this just made me laugh. I don’t yet have a MacBook Air but I’m about 90% sure it will be my next machine (replacing a 2009 MacBook Pro 13″). It’s light and has all the processing power I need for my job. I’m totally sold…